Batman Returns

Batman Returns is a bizarre film. The only reason I watched it before Batman is because Danny Devito is in it, and I love Danny Devito. The original Batman movies, at least judging by this one, are completely different than the Christopher Nolan Batman movies. Gotham is seems really strange, but that what Tim Burton likes to do. I find it hard to take Michael Keaton seriously, especially since his character is super cheesy. Danny Devito actually gives a great performance as the Penguin. He really sells the fact that he has been isolated for years. Batman Returns is also very sexual. There are some “interesting” scenes between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. It was very strange. The action sequences are mostly pretty awful. The last one is pretty decent, and I actually felt bad for the Penguin when he met his demise for some reason. Overall, Batman Return is weird and I give it a 7/10.

Batman Returns adalah film yang aneh. Satu-satunya alasan saya menontonnya sebelum Batman adalah karena Danny Devito ada di dalamnya, dan saya suka Danny Devito. Film Batman asli, setidaknya dilihat dari film ini, benar-benar berbeda dari film-film Christopher Nolan Batman. Gotham tampaknya benar-benar aneh, tetapi itulah yang disukai Tim Burton. Saya merasa sulit untuk mengambil Michael Keaton dengan serius, terutama karena karakternya super cheesy. Danny Devito benar-benar memberikan performa hebat sebagai Penguin. Dia benar-benar menjual fakta bahwa dia telah diasingkan selama bertahun-tahun. Pengembalian Batman juga sangat seksual. Ada beberapa adegan "menarik" antara Bruce Wayne dan Selina Kyle. Itu sangat aneh. Urutan aksi sebagian besar cukup mengerikan. Yang terakhir cukup lumayan, dan aku benar-benar merasa buruk bagi Penguin ketika dia bertemu kematiannya karena suatu alasan. Secara keseluruhan, Batman Return itu aneh dan saya memberikannya 7/10.

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