Bohemian Rhapsody - Movie Review


Hi everyone today I bring you the review of bohemian rhapsody the movie or biopic of queen and Freddie Mercury is already in the movies and well I went to see and I want to tell you some things about queen, I started listening to rock and roll thanks to my dad always had records of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin in the house, but it was Queen with which I started from very very small to listen to rock and roll obviously queen is a very versatile band can have very very elaborate rock and roll songs, very simple ballads, power ballads, has everything and obviously had the best singer in the world that was Freddie Mercury when I started listening to Freddie Mercury unfortunately had died and it was a scandal because it was the first mega star to die of the terrible disease of AIDS then that cassette that I had from Queen at Wembley 1986 I turned it around and turned into a huge Queen fan, obviously knowing that it was being done a film about Freddie Mercury and about the band I was very excited, but then I started hearing rumors, interviews that the actor Sacha Baron Cohen known as Borat was who was going to be Freddie Mercury who was also producing the movie with the band and that according to the band wanted to show a pink version of Freddie Mercury and not go to the dark aspects of his life as it was any mega star of rock and roll is supposed to have in his life there were many drugs and sex, also Freddie as everyone knows was bisexual, and that for the time was a scandal finally sacha baron cohen leaves the project and enters Rami Malek known for being the actor of the series Mr. Robot and is responsible for being Freddie Mercury.


Bryan Singer known for films like X-Men and Superman Returns takes over as director but also releases it to the months of film production and after all these comings and goings,finally the Queen biopic was released: Bohemian Rhapsody and I can say I love her and hate her, now we go for the good parts because I love her? because for Rami Malek the truth deserves an Oscar statuette, it was incredible as Freddie Mercury all the expressions, all the moments the truth that he makes the film possible and makes it very nice, the rest of the cast is as good, but apart from the performance of Rami has two things that I obviously liked a lot: the queen music and the final scene in this film, perfectly recreate the mythical presentation of the band in the Live Aid concert in 1985 is the end of the film It's almost 20 minutes recreating that great moment, not only for Queen but for humanity and the one who listens to Queen as I heard it and does not come out with a tear the truth is that that person is dead and has no feelings, the end is really exciting I think it's only comparable to the invasion in Saving Private Ryan at the beginning of that movie or the final battle in the The Lord of the Rings is epic, epic in the end and that's why I loved the movie that's why I went out and recommend it to every big fan of Queen,but what did I hate about this movie? That being produced by the guitarist Brian May and the drummer Roger Taylor that still continue with the band and that there is no one else who knows about the life of Freddie Mercury better than them, then I do not understand why they decided to change some important events just for to please the script of the film as for example in the film it is presented that Freddie Mercury was diagnosed in AIDS in 1985 when everyone knows that it was in 1987, in the film they also go far over all the development of sexuality Freddie and focus much more on the first love his life that was his wife, in the film the rest of the band are almost nuns compared to Freddie, everything is counted as little by little, and if there are some people who also say good but why do you want it to be so dark? Why should we count only bad things? because it is a biopic is a
biography in this Queen movie basically has a medium bill TV movie only with a great actor playing freddie mercury and a great final scene and and that's my big argument because they decided to tell things like they are not, at levels disrespecting the true fans of Queen.

I still ask you to comment if you really did not care about those changes they did, if they really enjoyed the movie or if they agree with me that if they love what I loved and hate what I said, then this movie left me really confused but Once again I loved Queen's music and I went out listening to his music and I went out remembering how big Freddie Mercury was.

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