Movie review: Ready Player One (2018)

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It's been a long time with great expectations and joy since I saw the movie " Ready Player One "

It was a story I knew, but I felt new. I knew them, but I enjoyed them. I even listened to music that I knew. Hommages are so witty that I couldn't help but be surprised. Such scenes seemed cute and wonderful... I mean, it's like Spielberg expressed his impatience to share his love of movies with everyone. As one of the movie buffs, I felt sympathy for it, and I laughed with a slap on my knee between scenes, and I was moved by my favorite movies and music. Finally, the generous warmth of the dreamer who has been giving a few ups and downs is a bonus.

The story is simple. There is a cliché to an end. Nevertheless, I thought it was okay this time. Because the best part is that it shows the story in a whole new way.

When the original of Stephen King, one of Stanley Kubrick's most famous works 'Shinning' is mentioned, It was an honor to see the movie, indeed, in a thrilling way. When Saturday Night Fever Stayin ' Alive comes out, I regret that it was a big mistake to book in 2D. Knowing that it is happy enough to live on film imagination, I feel great thanks to Steven Spielberg for making this a wonderful work.

I don't know if it will be a common movie that everybody can think of in decades, or even years at best. How did those of you who watched movies like Back to the Future feel about them? For me who always wondered about the culture shock they would have received, I think I could experience similar feelings even in close proximity today as I watched Ready Player One. It must have been a shock to watch the movie, especially when I felt the fresh thrill I wanted.

James Halliday, the creator of the virtual reality giant Oasis, finally wanted to leave with a nostalgia for the analog age, feeling between people. A kiss with friendship with true friend and love with lover. Even the past and present values, which are needed to be remembered in the process of advancing, have been a cozy and lovely story. I was so lucky to live in an era when I could enjoy such a movie.

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