should i be grateful to the movie black panther or pissed

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Black panther and avengers ( infinity war) were one of my most anticipated movie but after finally seeing the movie "black panther", i ended up with a mixed feeling i couldn't shake for hours. hmmm.

My issue is i don't know if i am to be grateful to the producers of Black Panther for giving me the opportunity to see one of the stolen artifacts of my people because i only heard from my grandfather of how the Benin kingdom was looted of artifacts made of bronze of which most are on display in the British museum or pissed at the producers for making use of our stolen artifacts but i am happy they mentioned the artifacts were stolen from Benin.

One of the stolen artifact ( The bronze head of the iconic queen Idia of Benin kingdom) was featured in one of the scenes of black panther and it is appalling knowing we have to see what is rightfully ours through a television screen or an alarmed glass case. the question is "what justification must the British government have to still be holding on these artifacts apart from it being a source of revenue?. being a source of revenue might be a cogent reason to them but i don't think it is cogent enough to rob people of their history or make them see their artifact as a tourist even though they give discount to those from the country these arts were looted from.

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all artifacts on display in the above pics are all African artworks. this is what i describe as "artnapping" by the government of those countries housing our artifacts as Africans.

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