Honest Movie Reviews: XX (2017)


★★★★○○○○○○ [ 4/10 ]

I don't judge people based on their gender so I really didn't care if this movie was directed by women (or aliens for that matter). But I do care about cinematography and storytelling aspects and for that reason I have to cast a somewhat harsh judgment. Buckle up, 'cause this is going to get interesting.

So, the movie consists of 4 equally long parts, each explores a different type of horror. There is no coherency between the stories, all of them are fully independent. Hence the classification of an anthology.

The first story was obviously the best one. I really liked it and would have liked a full feature movie about it. There was a lot of untapped potential there. Considering how the first scene ("The Box") established some sort of norm on which I started forming expectations, it suffices to say that what followed didn't quite live up to these expectations. The second story ("Birthday Party") was in fact the exact opposite. It wasn't scary, it was just weird. Since I don't want to spoil anything I'll just leave it at that. It was by far the weakest link in this anthology. "Don't Fall" was also pretty scary but a little too one-dimensional for my personal taste. There was virtually no character development in that story. And last but not least there was "Her Only Living Son". This story was clearly an homage to Rosemary's baby. And while Rosemary's Baby is in my opinion one of the greatest Horror movies ever made this story was rather comical in nature. The reason why this story didn't quite manage to instill fear and true horror can probably be attributed to the fact that the protagonists physical transformation/metamorphosis was just too stereotypical to be considered horrifying/scary.

Final verdict: I'd only recommend the first story of the Anthology (the other stories are not good enough, I'm afraid)

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3322892/

Ontology: #movie #review #horror #anthology

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