Honest Movie Reviews: Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)


★★★★★○○○○○ [ 5/10 ]

Don't believe the hype:
I didn't quite get what the movie was trying to achieve. It had a lot of insane moments that would shock people that are not really into these types of movies (shock exploitation flicks). But as someone who has seen a fair share of them I didn't quite get the feeling that the movie lived up to it's reputation/hype. Many people told me that this is the most messed up movie they've ever seen. I don't mean to brag but I've seen way worse. With that being said it might be quite disturbing to your average Joe, don't get it twisted. Although, now that I think about it; some of the special effects aged poorly.

The main reason why this movie never really managed to shock me was because of its inherently comical nature. As messed up as it was, every shocking scene was accompanied by a fair share of humorous remarks and some occasionally profound monologues. It was much more a comedy to me than anything else (especially if you have a dark sense of humor or subscribe to a worldview that incorporates moral nihilism).

If you're a shock movie fanatic this is probably the right movie for you. The most disturbing thing about the movie however was the fact that the protagonists were all coprophiles (if you don't know what this word means; good. Don't google it).

Final verdict: if you like horror movies with a "shock factor" this one is a must-see, simply because it's a classic of the genre. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073650/

Ontology: #movie #review #pasolini #horror #disturbing #shocking #feces #sex #sodomy #anarchy #violence #homosexuality #masochism #sadism

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