Honest Movie Reviews: Green Room (2015)


★★★★★★★○○○ [ 7/10 ]

An action-packed Thriller:
"Green Room" is a very suspenseful movie. The premise of the movie is that a Punk Rock band that's slowly running out of money finally manages to land a gig that might keep them afloat for a while. So far so good. But what they don't know is that the gig is supposed to be held at a neo-Nazi bar. There were plenty of "red flags" that they should've noticed right from the get go. But I guess they really needed the money. So they perform their songs and as they're about to leave they witness a murder through an unfortunate turn of events. All the sudden they find themselves in a problematic situation; now that they've seen the murder they can't just be let go. For the majority of the movie the protagonists find themselves trapped in that one room; the very room where the murder took place. First against their will. Later on however as the circumstances change they stay in the room for their own protection. Things start to escalate as the owner of the bar starts to prepare for the worst case scenario.

The constant tension and dread is palpable. After all the protagonists are nothing but a bunch kids (figuratively speaking. They are teenagers) trying to survive in this hostile environment. Meanwhile their captors are armed and dangerous. Which becomes very apparent as the movie progresses. This isn't their first ride at the rodeo. They have clearly done this before.

Final verdict: recommended

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4062536/

Ontology: #movie #review #horror #thriller #punks #neonazis #bar #AntonYelchin #PatrickStewart

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