Victoria and Abdul – movie review

This is a story of Queen Victoria and her servant, Abdul. They become friends and it creates funny situations and also enemies.

It starts with a coincidence

Abdul is an Indian man that works in the prison. His job is to write the names of the inmates into a big book (we can say that he register). India gave some nice carpet to the Queen (chosen by Abdul) and now it wants to give a present. Abdul will be appointed to give it to the Queen with one of his friend. Well, Abdul won't be chosen as a first choise, but the first choise couldn't make it.

And the craziness begins

The two Indian man goes to the United Kingdom and they realize that the weather is extremely cold for them. Without any explanation, they are in the event where the servants of the Queen tell them the protocol to give the gift to the Queen. There are many people and servants there and everyone runs around to make sure that everything happens by the protocol.
There is one important rule that is repeated many times. Don't look at the eyes of the Queen

Abdul fails and looks in the eyes

And the friendship of Abdul and the Queen begins. The servant and the Queen… quite unusual, isn't it?
The Queen asks him to teach his language. It means that Abdul and his friend won't to go back to India soon.
We can see how this friendship grows and it is very emotional. Abdul teaches her many things, like Indian culture and history. He becomes the teacher of the Queen and he becomes like a son for the her.
Before Abdul, the Queen was sad and lonely, but now she feels alive again. She laugh, sing and dance. This is the best part of the movie.
Later Abdul takes his family to the castle (as the Queen wanted this).


The Queen«s household doesn't like this friendship. They try to find every shameful story from Abdul's past. Abdul's friend also stays there and the household asks him to tell something incriminating on Abdul. The friend proves his loyality and he told some unpleasant words to the household.
The Queen's son tries to blackmail her. He wants to stultify her mom to become the King or she have to send Abdul back to India.


The Queen wants to give a honour to Abdul to save him from her household and relatives. But the household rebell, they say to the Queen that everyone will leave, if she honour Abdul. Well, the Queen is a powerful and strong woman that stands in front of her servants (and family members) and tell them to leave off now or respect Abdul. That scenes is very tense.

Tragedies here we come

Abdul's friend dies. He couldn't bare the cold weather and the doctor didn't care of him.
The Queen is old and ill, she dies slowly.
We see her dying and the next scene the household attacks Abdul's family. They burn everything that were in Abdul's house. Only one thing remains: it is a pendant. The Queen gave it to Abdul to remember the first time when they visited Firenze. The photo of the Queen is on the pendant.
They are sent back to India immediately. The evil son of the Queen becomes the King.

Back to India

We can see that there's a statue of Queen Victoria in Abdul's hometown. He goes to the park to the statue and he talks to her everyday. This last scene is bitter sweet.

My opinion

  • The Queen is played by Judi Dench. Do I have to say more? She is amazing as she plays the powerful and tough Queen.
  • I cried at the end. It was emotional and very touching.
  • The movie was funny but it was also tragical. The friendship of Victioria and Abdul and the hate of the household showed every aspect of human emotion.
  • The movie is based on real story.
  • I totally recommend you to watch this movie.
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