Christopher Nolan Wants to Save the Movie Theaters

The new trailer for Tenet is scorching the internet. Especially since real movie news are barley happening. Let's face it, the trailer looks like a Christopher Nolan movie. It has that Inception vibe to it, that intellectual movie yet with a lot of action vibe to it. It looks like movie magic.

The official release date for the movie is July 17. Just barely two months from now. The movie business is suffering. Theaters are on the verge of bankruptcy and this could be the movie to save them. If movie theaters will be on open on July 17. That's a big if. I don't live in the U.S. I know that here the government plans to reopen cinemas sometime next month, but that the cinemas themselves have no intention of actually opening until the U.S. cinemas will be open. Because they will have nothing to screen until then. Nothing that will bring people to the cinemas.

Tenet could be that movie. It could play on all the screens to compensate for the limitation on the amount of people in a screening that will surely be placed. It can be the first and only big movie that will play all around the world. Bringing people back and saving the business.

Or it can be moved to Wonder Woman 1984's date, August 12. The new trailer says coming soon, not coming July 17. I guess that WB are waiting to see what will happen. Most importantly, they need the cities with the biggest audiences to open their movie theaters. They need New-York and Los Angeles to reopen. Will that happen in two months? We don't know. And they don't know. This plague is an on-going day-by-day developing situation. We don't even know if theaters will be open in August or if they will be reclosed in the winter.

From what I hear online Christopher Nolan is really pushing to keep the movie's date. We will see if that bet pays off or if it will even happen. For now, this trailer looks brilliant. I would consider going to the movies for this one.

Would you?

Also, is anyone else getting Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. vibes from that monolith looking object?

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