For those who haven't moved on from the past, let's learn to be sincere, forgive, and forget everything that has happened


And for those who have moved on and who have sincerely forgotten, then hopefully there will be someone who will love you as much as you let go of your past.

It's not good to be in the darkness of a failed love, because you live for the future, not the past. So, you should be smart to express everything that has happened.

So, if at this time your position is complete, may Allah repay all your struggles in forgiveness. May God replace you with someone whose heart is always soft with forgiveness. Amen

And in every effort you are patient in forgetting it, may Allah not only reward you, but also give someone who is able to be patient when with you.

Because if the patience becomes his true identity, really you will be very lucky to live with him.

Yes, when you are sincere, the heart forgets and forgives him, may Allah not only give you goodness, but also aim you for someone who is better than your past.

If you feel he is a good person, then hopefully those who come instead in your future are someone who is better than him.

May God replace the love that you have sincerely right, with a new, more sincere love, that is more sincere, and more meaningful in your life.

So that the happiness that comes with you also really makes your life in the future more meaningful and beautiful.

Therefore, if you are currently in a waiting stage and learning to understand everything that has happened in the past.

May God replace the times you have spent with a more beautiful time someday.

And if at this time you still haven't moved on, may Allah make it easy for you to be able to learn sincerely, forgive, and then forget.

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