Watch out! 42 Villages in 9 Subdistricts of Gunungkidul Accept Communist DVD Packages


YOGYAKARTA - Circulation of DVD related to communism was almost evenly distributed in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. Therefore, people are encouraged to stay calm and not easily hooked with the DVD circulation teresebut.

As in Nglipar Sub-district, there are three villages that receive packages of goods sent by Healthy with Falun Dafa addressed at Jalan Kaliurang Kilometer 6 A.12, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman contains one magazine and two small leaflets on health. While the rest of the three DVDs that read nine comments related to the Communist Party.
"There are three villages in our area found similar packages," said Head of Nglipar AKP Police Headquarters Kasiwon, Thursday (16/1/2018)
The chronology of the discovery of the packet originated from members of Bhabinkamtibmas Nglipar Village, Bripka Jumiyo who visited the office of Nglipar Village Government on Wednesday, March 15, 2017. At that time, in the village there was a package of post that came, when opened, the package of items contained one magazine and two small leaflets on health.

Ssanya form three DVDs that read nine comments related to the communist party. "We do not know what the contents are, because there are titles listed and the topic on the sensitive, we immediately secure to prevent unrest in the community," he said.

From the information obtained, the package is spread across 42 villages, in nine subdistricts in Gunungkidul. "Currently it has been reported to the Police for follow up," he continued.

While Commander Kodim 0730 / GK Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Taufik Hanif revealed, it asked the public to not restless and provoked the circulation of the video. "People must remain vigilant, not easily provoked and provoked," said juan
He claimed to have seen the video. Broadly speaking, he reveals the video contains about the communist party. He also tried to investigate together Polres Gunungkidul, mainly related to the motive and purpose of the cassette to the villages.


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