Dalaguete Cebu has one of the best Mountains there is

I'm currently living in Cebu Philippines and what i am really proud of is the wonders of Dalaguete mountains can offer to the world. It has been one of the best tourist destination both local and international tourist because of its beauty when you are on top.

From city it would take around three to four hours of travel before you can able to reach the Dalaguete proper and then ride public utility motorcycle towards the mountainous area. It would be a great feeling when you reach on one of the mountain wherein you can able to see the entire city of Cebu.

When you are at the top, you will be really amazed how wonderful that God has created. You will feel to yourself that you are just flying like one of those superheroes that able to see the entire area.

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There are also people who do overnight in these mountainous place while putting their tents and have some wooden fires while seeing the bright stars. It is really amazing to experience such activity and adventure. If you have not experienced this kind of activity in life, you should try it for yourself so you will appreciate the beauty of nature can offer.

When you are in these area, you will feel the fresh and cool air which is rarely being experienced by the urban people. You will feel that you are free that you can do what you want to do in old ways. It can also be a remedy to stress that you acquired on your daily task or work.

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I will find time again to visit the other mountains that i have not yet visited yet. It will be a great adventure for me for i really appreciate the beauty of nature.

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