
As human beings, we're programmed to avoid LOSING. And usually, we'll do more to avoid a loss than trying to gain more. So, it tends to make us more conservative and to not take risks. Worse, we get very depressed when we experience a loss.

Here's a belief that I invite you to adopt: No matter what the loss is, there are always plenty more "wins" waiting for you! If you lose money, it sucks, but you can always make more. If you lose a job (Notice I use "a" job and not "your" job, because I want you to realize that it was never "your" job in the first place) - you can always find a better one.

If you lose a close friend, it can be devastating, but remember that you can always find plenty of other ones just as good, if not better. If you lose an opportunity, remember Richard Branson's credo: Opportunities are like buses; another one will always come along.

So, if you can keep that in mind, you won't overly be depressed by any loss, because: If you lose the only $10 you have, you'll feel depressed. If you lose $1,000 when you have $10M in the bank, you'll be only be depressed for a few minutes.

Remember, there is always MORE available to you at any given time. EVERY DAY is loaded with opportunities. Relax, smile, and grab what's yours.

Have an amazing day!

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Acknowledgement: Michael N. Michael

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