Motivate Yourself Towards Greatness.

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  1. You are more efficient than you think …... Never look down on yourself.

  2. Your past lack the ability to define your future ….. Do not let your past weigh you down.

  1. Never you give up your dignity in exchange for attention …… Always know your worth.

4.Life can only be as wonderful as you think it…..Be positive always.

  1. Create your future, because that is the easiest way to predict it…… your future depends on you and you alone.

6.Make hay while the sun shines …… never procastinate.

7.Pay the price for what you want, else what you want becomes the price to be paid ….

8.Don't sit and wait for the time to be right,stand up and make it right for yourself …...

9.Let your situation be your motivation.

  1. Move out of your comfort zone, that's where all progress takes place .……. Success doesn't come to those who wait but for what those that go to find it.
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