Real Reasons why good people FAIL - Part-3

Hi guys, I am back with the third part of the series Real Reasons Why Good people FAIL.
There is no denial of the fact that the number of distractions has increased exponentially these days. Which brings us to the third reason for this series


You may be familiar with the words such as PRODUCTIVITY,EXPONENTIAL PERFORMANCE. A leading Author Mr. Robin Sharma often says that Most people in the world are suffering from the BROKEN FOCUS SYNDROME.

Most leaders, producers, performers, and creatives on the planet today are ADDICTED TO DISTRACTION which is DESTROYING THEIR MASTERFUL PRODUCTION.

If you want to be the best in your field, If you want to be in the top five percent of the people then,


To have the results only 5% of the population have,
You've got to be willing to do what 95% of the population is unwilling to do.

In today's world, you can observe that most people are checking their phones while they should be working, or listening to music while doing another task and it has become an addiction and they get distracted whenever a notification arrives.

My friends, if you are one of those people start limiting your time with distractions and start doing something meaningful.
You can move up to the top 5% of the population just by limiting your distractions and filling the time with creative and productive tasks.

To completely remove the distractions you should create a BOX OF TOTAL FOCUS.

A box of total focus is a place that provides you undistracted environment, it can be a small place or a corner where you find complete silence and minimum or no distractions.
For me, My box of total focus is my house's roof. I go there and start thinking about my problems and believe me I always get a vision of the next step that I should take to solve a problem or achieve certain things.

A box of total focus allows you to concentrate and focus on only a few things that matter.

Few examples of people who have/had these boxes of total focus are Albert Einstein, Tesla, Newton and Steve Jobs. There are many more to list but I think that you will get the point with these names.

That's it for today.
Thanks for reading my blog
P.S.-The next two parts will be uopdated really soon, so stay tuned. candle-1281245_1920.jpg

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