What's your aim in life, what would be different because you came this way?..

Welcome to motivational sunday on #xpozecorner.

MOTIVATIONAL SUNDAY is about getting you build up, motivated, encouraging and getting you ready for the new week. Sunday being the first day of the week is the best time to get yourself ready and prepared for what's coming. It is the right time to get you motivated and inspired to make the coming week better than the previous.

What is your aim in life, what would be different because you came this way?


Have you ever stopped for a while and ask yourself this questions?
And if i may ask::
How do you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in terms of your physical appearance, in terms of your health?. Do you take care of yourself?, are you allowing yourself to get over weighted out of shape?,. Are you conscious of your health?, are you watching the food that you take into your body?.

Do you make effort to exercise?. Many of us gets older before our time because we don't take time to take care of ourselves. Your environment is a very good indicator. On a scale of 1-10 is it what you wanted to be and do you find it desirable?. Are you satisfy with the job and career that you're involved in?.

Are you spending 8 hours of the day just doing time. Doing something that you don't find challenging, doing something that does not make you stretch mentally, something that does not stimulate you, something that does not inspire you, something that you don't find a sense of fulfillment in it. If you're doing this day in and day out it has effect on how you feel about yourself and your level of motivation.

Your relationships, what kind of impact does it have on your life?, is it nourishing or is it toxic relationship?. Does it drain you or does it build you up 'ask yourself that'. How motivated are you to do something about it?, your contributions, your actions, What are you giving?.

Many people will leave the universe without a trace, no one will know there were here. Will anybody know that you came this way?, what contributions are you giving?, what will you leave, what would be different because you came this way.
The world will not remember what you say, but it will certainly not forget what you have done. Every great dreams begins with a dreamer they say. Within you is the strength, patience, and the passion to reach for stars to change the universe.

What difference have you made?

Can you look at yourself today and boldly say i love the person i'm becoming, i'm a better person today than i was the year before. Don't live a life that after you're gone you then wished you would have made a difference, be careful because the choices you make today might be your regrets tomorrow.

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you've made. If you want a different result, then make a different choice. Worry a little about how you will be remembered and focus more on living a life of character, conviction, and compassion and your legacy will never be forgotten. The purpose of life is never to live forever but to create something that will and that's your legacy.

Don't go into something to test the waters, but go into something to make waves.

You have to walk and create the way by your walking, you will not find a ready made path, it is not so cheap to reach the realization of the truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself, the path is not ready made lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don't leave any footprints. You cannot follow them because they are no footprints left behind.

Thanks for stopping by and i hope this few line helps you in one way or two...

Still remains your friend


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