Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring

The school of life never end; as far as life is concerned education is infinite; life is all about learning and every second of it we learn new things which is either good or bad. And we have to keep learning; and also keep pushing on. Don't stop along the way because it never can tell who you are inspiring. sometimes you will feel like quitting because of one or two challenges; sure! challenges are bow to occur but know that challenges are fruit of champions; for no pain, no gain. Working hard is necessary for a better achievement(s), staying focus is the key to getting to an apex of destiny.

Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring, Just as you are following someones step, so is someone following yours too, so keep calm and be strong for greater days are ahead. It might be difficult sometimes that you will think of quitting but that isn't the answer to it for losers have never been regarded but winners are; because they press harder for them to be remembered, no body member a failure but when you fail and still take the courage to continue and then become successful, you will be remembered, all you need is persistence and consistence; patience too is another virtue you need to posses because without it, you will be distracted and then lose focus.

have a goal and also a mentor, so that when you think of quitting, and then remember your goal and your mentor, you will say to yourself "I CAN DO IT"
I am grateful to some of my mentors here on steemit; thank you



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