BREAKING FREE: A Motivational Piece for the Day

Somewhere inside every person that has walked this earth, is walking this earth or will walk this earth is the usually reserved gift called Motivational Discernment.

Yup! Every single person has this ability to look at anything and discover something particularly helpful to a brokenhearted person but every regular gentleman or lady believes he/she does not possess this skill and leaves it unexploited.

I am a very perfect example of this class of humans.


I watched my friend (pal to be precise 😁😁😁😁) swipe left continuously staring at the images in my gallery yesterday evening. He occasionally stopped and focused on images he loved but when he got to this particular image, he broke down and laughed hysterically before showing me what tickled his fancy.


After laughing he uttered

"Whoa! This sculpture is perfect"

He saw a sculpture, I saw that every human has the right and ability to break free from every thing that has held him/her back from achieving a particular desire.


It's generally tough to part with a behaviour we've been accustomed to and even tougher on one we found pleasure exhibiting (whether it had positive impacts or not). Sometimes, a situation we get fixed in prevent us from attaining certain levels or achieving certain dreams, they leave us confused and always rotting in a state of dilemma but on a general note who says we can't break free?

What is the point of a behaviour if it continuously drowns us or cuts off part of us each time it's being exhibited.

Let's run through this example

Everyone on steemit has a base desire to either impart/impact positively on the members of the community or make a sane amount of profit from the platform but who is to say they everyone (as humans that we are) will not (at some point) feel a discouraging amount of laziness or a raping desire to quit when we do not get the commendations we feel we deserve or make the profits as expected?
We even most times trek the high and risky mountain path of not posting for days when we know (or sometimes don't) that breaking free from such laziness or guilt of failure is difficult (generally speaking).

Given such a scenario what are we supposed do?

First I will say you seek out that which causes the situation or behaviour etc to exist in the inital state and when you've done so, in the simplest words I can ever dream of,

"Break Free"

How do you break free?


Once you've started, there's gonna be no holding you back. You just gotta search for that inward strength and let what so ever is holding you back go. Get up and shout "Enough us Enough". 😁😁😁😂😂

All you have to do is start walking, working, writing, typing, reading, praying, scouting for every possible mean to let go of your current state.

It all lies in the Starting. Yes, all you need do is just start and when you do, everything will fall into place.

Remember the words of Jonathan Schell

"Every person is the right person to act, every moment is the right moment to begin"

If the moment is always right, why don't you just start?

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Thank you for visiting my blog, do have a nice day.

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