talk heart

Always think about our hearts

Because it is a source of good and evil

Containers of kufr and faith

Battle between angels and shaitan

Her heart is subtle
His touch was not felt

But it is very impressive in our lives

Goodness and evil

Sincerely mujahadah dump his crime

Replaced immediately with kindness

That person will survive the deceit of shaitan and the world

Accept the good and the bad

Then feel good everything

There is no sin again

This is where teachers need to know the human heart

He is said to be murshid

Without mentors then easily get lost us

Because the light is in the lovers of Allah

Look for him, gengamlah him

Respect him, be civilized with him

The science from his chest pierced our chests

Not just science in reason because the intellect is weak

Heart is King to all members or kingdom

Yes Rabbi,

Forgive me, who is always negligent with You

Clean my filthy self

Compassion me with this zeklim qualities

Live the love in my heart to those who love You.

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