The Need For Others Approval !!!

Why does our mind has this basic hunger of being liked?

Why is there that need for approval?

Have you ever found yourself fearing that someone will not like you?

You LOVE Yourself

Yes it is true that everyone loves thyself it is this basic dilemma of ‘what other people will think’ that spoils it thou.

It is the game that our mind plays with us making us think that we are doing wrong by not caring about what others think.

And seriously as simple as it sounds it hurts a lot.

So how does a person go from “I care what they think” to “Who cares what anybody thinks ?”

It Is Simple But It Takes Time

Good changes are usually slow to occur and changing how you mind thinks right now takes time and a lot of practice, but

There are few things you can to make it faster.

1. Good and bad is only ones perception.
Anything you might consider good can be considered bad by other person.
So keep your cool when you think anything is right.
And keep moving forward keeping this in mind that there will always be someone who disagrees with you.

2. It is not your responsibility to make everyone happy
Your responsibility is to make yourself happy.
Change begins at home so if you will make yourself happy that will give the power to spread that happiness and feeling of being liked to everybody else.

3. If you try to act like you don’t care for long you eventually will end up like that
Change is slow and gradual but it is the only constant thing in this world.
And a change takes time to become a habit.
Keeping you on the path of your happiness will surely lead you to that later if not sooner.

Some people might say that it is good to care about others.
Yes it is, but not if it is hurting you internally.

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