How Do Comments Affects Your Post ?


Aside of having monetary gains how would you know that your post has become successful? I mean to say that even if your post has earned very few dollars you can consider your post to be successful if :

People have commented on your post

Yes ! your post was successful even if there is a single comment on your post that makes sure that the commentator read it
(Every authors knows when a comment is generic one or heart felt)

If you were able to reach out to even a single person with your post then it surely was successful, Remember that mostly the number of upvote doesn't count as there is no effort in clicking a button to upvote, but writing a comment that plays a meaningful part to the content is surely a sign of interest.

This rules applies even if the comment you received is negation or an un-approval of your post, because if if negative still your content made someone read and think about it.

Now, if and when you receive a comment what do you do ? You reply, you be thankful, even if it is a negative comment. Then after you have replied back go to their profile and read at least one of their post(preferable the most recent one) and comment on it, because it is a community you give and you take, you spread and you get love.

And If any one new will see your post and they see comments they automatically understand that your post is engaging and they try to get engage too, Which addons to your success.

It is small things like this which will make your path to being a dolphin or a whale much more easier and faster.

Thank You For Reading

Comment, Upvote, Follow, ReSteem

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