White Spectral Mirror - Preparing the Canvas...

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White Spectral Mirror - 5th February 2018

Yellow Star Wavespell

As we enter into the 11th day of the Yellow Star Wavespell, we discover the magic of Order through deep authentic reflection... not pedantic nitpicking at what is wrong, but rather an exquisitely intense process of acknowledging what is truly right, not measured by the mind, but rather through listening to and reflecting on reality through ones heart intelligence.

When we spend too much time in the creative imagination, we must not forget that even the greatest artists must first put their paints in order and prepare their canvas correctly before they are able to even begin to put the paint brush to work.

So often we can get caught in the Idealism of our highest visions and find ourselves chomping at the bit like a racehorse, eager to run free but held back, awaiting the start of a race. "Just let me run!" I feel myself so often screaming inside... Just let me run! In that moment, the vision always seems so solid and clear that I cannot understand why the universe seems to be creating so much resistance to bringing it into reality...

It is at the point that the White Spectral Mirror can be of such great service. A powerful reflection and reminder from the incredible Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, famous for adopting the term Noosphere to describe the collective mental atmosphere that joins us all as one on the beautiful Timeship Earth.

Chardin reminds us here to ensure we keep our perspective in order! In speaking to many in the world, it often sounds like we are here on a prison planet against our will and the only way out is by purification of some form of sin in order to attain the legendary status of enlightenment so that we can once and for all escape this madness!

What if rather, we were more powerful then we could imagine! What if we are in fact infinitely intelligent & creative spiritual beings of higher dimensions, stepping down into this dense reality in order to have the JOY of the Human Experience? What if we have NOTHING to escape from, but EVERYTHING to gain through realising our infinite essence and surrendering to the Script we have been handed in this lifetime?

So take time today to reflect honestly with yourself and begin the work of cleaning up your environment around you. Put your affairs in order, get some structure to your daily life... for it is your daily mundane life that is your true Canvas just waiting to be prepared correctly so that you can once again dip your paintbrush into the colours of experience and begin to create the Masterpiece you came here for!

In Lak'ech,
(I am Another You)


Ps. If you would like to know what your Galactic Mayan Dreamspell Signature (Like a star sign) is then click HERE and pop in your birth date into the decoder, then comment below what it is! I will endeavour to reply to everyone who participates with a brief summary of my personal interpretation of what it represents for you. :)

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