Blue Crystal Storm - Crystallising Art within the Chaos...

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White Spectral Mirror - 5th February 2018

Yellow Star Wavespell

The Blue Crystal Storm, Mayan Dreamspell Signature of the masterful actor Brad Pitt, arrives on this 12th day to support the process of integrating our own personal visions and creativity together with those who we share this multidimensional landscape with.

Brad Pitt shares some of his Blue Crystal Storm perspective with us here:

"I get enraged when people start telling other people how to live their lives."
Brad Pitt

Today's Archetype carries a very powerful catalyst within it, moving through our Collective Mind, shaking and breaking old rigid belief systems in order to clear the path of unification.

Many of us will be familiar with the stereotype image of the Artist consumed with his/her vision, drunk in the creative process and unable to process how their creations might be affecting the world around them. So many through the years have been lost through this process, leaving only their vibrant art behind.

While YES, you are on the mission to create your own unique Masterpiece with your lifetime, do not forget that it is only one fractal piece of a greater Masterpiece.... one that evades the awareness of many, yet is being self-generated by all!

Today is a good day to practice discernment, to take a moment to consider and listen deeply with your heart to how your own actions and choices are affecting your reality. This is not to say to judge them "good or bad" but rather to ensure that you are creating your lifestyle choices through a FULL Awareness of your reality in order to maintain full Self-responsibility... the ability to respond!

When we learn to listen to our environment, both personally and collectively, we begin to step away from the drunken artist, creating in a melee of madness and step forth into the future of co-creative expressions in harmony with our fellow Artists worldwide and beyond.

Here's to the Lovers, Poets & Pirates,

Mark Bentley

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Ps. If you would like to know what your Galactic Mayan Dreamspell Signature (Like a star sign) is then click HERE and pop in your birth date into the decoder, then comment below what it is! I will endeavour to reply to everyone who participates with a brief summary of my personal interpretation of what it represents for you.

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