Are You The 1% of The 1% of The 1%?

In taking action online, are you the 1% of the 1% of the 1%? This might seem confusing at first to grasp, allow me to further explain what this means.

Are you the 1% who decides to take action?

A lot of people are still skeptics of money making online. This can be for a variety of reasons. They think it's a scam. They don't think they'll succeed. They don't feel educated enough. These are all excuses that people make up to not take action. These excuses assume that taking actions means just investing into some quick rich scheme online in which your money gets blown away.

What is actually deciding to take action? It's just conceptualising. It's making a decision that you might do something. This sets you apart from the majority of people who don't even think about doing something. It's simply out of their realm.

Are you the 1% of the 1% who actually takes action?

Just thinking about something isn't merely enough. Just because I think of things, doesn't make them a reality. What you actually need to do is to take action. This is another differential which sets you apart. How many people actually do things that they think about?

Taking action doesn't just to mean trying to make money. You can make money in a lot of indirect ways. The effects of money making aren't always apparent at first. People go to school for 13 years, then another 4 years on top to do university while getting into $150k of debt. At first, these people might seem broke, but they will quickly rise above the person who left school at 17 to start working for McDonald's.

Just researching is enough to start taking action. You will make money eventually. No person with intelligence is broke. They attract money in their skill set because of their knowledge.

Are you the 1% of the 1% of the 1% who sticks to your action?

What segregates the winners from the losers is dedication. Reading a single Wikipedia page doesn't make you an expert. What makes you knowledgeable is reading Wikipedia, books and other resources.

Passive income does exist. You can make passive money if you do the hard work initially and just refine the method to make sure that it's not usurped. A skyscraper is a great example of how passive income works. A lot of the hard work is done in the first decade. This includes legal, research, construction, financing. Once you build the skyscraper, you just have to make sure it's clean. This will be largely passive income, but it isn't easy. Short-term pain for a long-term gain.


To put the 1% of the 1% of the 1% theory into perspective, imagine 1,000,000 people who watch a YouTube video. How many of those will actually consider engaging with the material (clicking on your links perhaps)? The first 1% -- decision makers. That's 10,000 people. Who buys courses and money making products? The 1% of 1%. 100 people. Who actually dedicates their time into working hard and applying those methods? The 1% of the 1% of the 1% or a single person. That's 1 out of 1,000,000.

Are you the 1 of a million? You have to prove it by taking action. This means doing things differently, acclimatising yourself to different conditions. Only then will you start to succeed.

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