How many of you have experienced your whole life glitching at one point in time? just like a system’s glitch. We never really understand the word but what we know is after a glitch there is no way things are going to remain the same.

Yes, in life we do have glitches, there will be a moment of time where you suddenly feel so lost. It feels like the person who you were all this while is no longer available even for yourself. The people you had around suddenly gone missing and the nightmare of life’s difficulties and uncertainties keep you awake all night. The guilt, anxiety, stress and peer pressure drain out all of your energy making you feel like a corpse and so empty.

Over time this bundle of negative emotions lead you to depressed state of mind. Things get a little serious, little more scarier and you become a lot more anxious about your future. You keep worrying about what might go wrong, and being left out from the society that has molded you at some time becomes your biggest fear.

You no longer have interest in the things that you used to like. Sometimes you might even have to sacrifice the things you like doing so that you can catch up on the things that you have left behind. For some people, it might be their responsibilities, for some it might be the joy that they have failed to experience and for some others it might be the other things in life that makes them feel alive.

Life happens pretty much the same to all of us, its just that whatever event that have happened to me at the age of 5 might have you experiencing it when you are 55; for an example the death of your parent or the job that you love might reach to you at 40 but some people might be able to do it that at an earlier phase of life. Just like the phrase ” Life has a funny way to prove you wrong ” we all has to expect the unexpected and that is all there is to life.

That brings us back to our tittle, whereby at each level of life; will required a different you. With that being said you must have become curious on knowing when is the different level, will it be according to age or phase of life or things we do in life or the moments we experience? At which point I have to change or at which age I should stop or even start doing things so on and so forth.

Well the answer relies entirely on you. As for me, I look at my life as a movie, Well for me it makes so much more sense when I think of it in that way. It gives me all the control and i’ll be in charge of my story. I cast myself as the main protagonist and I make my way through the end. Well nothing is scripted yet it gives me the power to change and prepare myself to the next scene which allows me to gain composure. It gives me room to work on my character, it gives me the power on the casting list, and most importantly it gives me the purpose to my story and a sense of fulfillment when I archive it. Let it be something as trivial as scoring 3 goals in a Futsal match or eating health, when you are the director you know you’re in charge.

From what I’ve come to observe, people have one thing common in life which is them knowing them self better than anyone. It is not something easily gained or attained, trust me there is a whole lot of work behind it.

They spent hours working on them self, they are careful with their thoughts, they slowly calm them self and learn about them self thoroughly. A monk I’ve met recently told me the best success anyone could attain is the success of knowing them-self.

He added, ” only by knowing yourself, you can attain peace and with peace in mind you have the power to direct your focus and through focus any mankind could reach any height they desire to reach.

I’m sure some of you might already knew all this essence of life, whether it is picked up by reading or experience, You might think I am just telling you something that you have already known, but that is not my intention. Motivation does not last long, just like the freshness you feel after a long shower. That is why it is recommended daily. Moreover what I have written in my article is not a bunch of motivational quotes but rather an emphasis on the was to override your prefixed mindset and allow the motivation quotes to give you a bigger impact.

Yes we have seen many success stories but not so much on the failure stories don’t we? The word fail itself is seen as a negative thought. But if you think about it, what is success if you haven’t tasted failures. In the world that have existed for 46 billion years do you think you are stuck in the most terrifying plot? or do you think out of 7.8 Billion people on the surface of earth only you have one of its kind of problem? Or did I just confused you more from the mental state that you have already been?

Funny is it? having so much of questions without have a simple answer to it? Well it is as simple as your thought, the secret is to focus on yourself, if you have known it already than you should seek for it not just by going with the flow but with challenging yourself. Put your self on test, face the fear of yours and explore deeper in your thoughts. It will not only help you to understand your situation but for some it might reveal the part you never knew existed in you.

Its easier when you use the fish and river metaphor to life. Dead fish goes with the flow, smart ones swim through fine stream and the curious ones swim against the stream. First decide which type of fish are you and then swim through accordingly.

Hearty wishes to you and thank you so much for your time.

God Bless,

Suren Subramaniam


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