The Biggest Mistake We Make In Life Is Thinking We Still Have Time

Your time is precious


One of the biggest mistakes we make in life is the fact we think we have time, time is free but priceless, it cannot be owned but can be used, you might be able to keep it but you can’t spend it, once it’s lost it can never be gotten back. On an average, we are to live for 78 years, we will spend roughly 28.3 years of his lives sleeping and that makes up almost a third of our life with more than 30% of us still struggling to sleep well. We spend many years of our life working even though more than 50% of us want to leave our current jobs. Time is more valuable than money as more money can be gotten but never can more time.

We spend years watching tv and operating our accounts on social media, we spend years doing chores, eating, grooming, education, commuting. With all these actions taking reasonable amounts of our time how do we intend to spend the remaining time left. Steve Jobs said our time is limited so we shouldn’t waste it loving someone else’s life. This means there is good news and bad news, the bad news is sometimes, time flies too fast for us to keep up, while the good news is you’re the pilot of your time.

Imagine waking up every day to a whopping sum of $86,400 in your account and by the end of the night, its all gone whether it’s spent or not and by morning you get another $86,400 stashed in your account. How would you spend it??
Every day you have 86, 400 seconds deposited in your life account and at the end of each day, it's reimbursed.


If this was cash, I am darn sure we wouldn’t waste it so why do we when it comes to our precious time. Each of those seconds you get daily are more powerful that money, this is because you can always make more money but you can't make more time.

For you to realize the importance of time, ask someone who failed a grade and had to do one year over again. To realize the value of 1 month, you should ask a mother who carried a baby for 9 months, to realise the value of one week, ask an editor of a magazine, to realize the value of 1 hour ask a couple who are in a long distance relationship, to realize how precious a minute is, ask an individual who just missed a train, to realize the importance of a second, ask an individual who just missed an accident and to determine the value of a millisecond, ask an athlete who came second at a race.

We are accustomed to thinking its people that actually waste our time but in actuality, we are the ones giving them permission to, and in realism, these two people live inside us. We shouldn’t let someone be a priority to us when all we are to them is an option. This has resulted in some of us losing the people most important to us because we don’t value their time and how important they are to us until they are gone.

Within our heart lives 2 voices, the one voice that wants us to expand, to grow and succeed, and the other voice that pulls us back and restricts us from utilizing our maximum potential. Every day we wake up, there is usually a battle between these 2 voices and the voice that ends up winning is that one we listen to the most, the one that we accept and amplify. It’s our responsibility and choice to determine how our time is spent. Life itself and time are the best of teachers, this is because life teaches us how to make good use of our time while time teaches us the value of life.



According to William Shakespeare, time is very slow for those who want, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who are sad and very short for those who celebrate but for those who love, it is eternal.

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