11th may, 2018

Making decision is one of the hardest tasks every aspiring leader and achiever needs to make. It is usually a tough call to make. The difference between a challenge and taking a step looks more like a parallel line whose end points would never meet. It may look so but it isn't so.
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Once you have discovered your purpose of living, taking a step towards fulfilling that purpose shouldn't be too hard. All you need is to MAKE THE CALL.

Our society is one hell of an inspiration with a flurry of ideas to make one a better person or to make fortune from, once you have discovered one that will benefit humanity starting from your immediate environment, all you need is to MAKE THAT CALL to that investor or register for a pitching opportunity.

One thing debarring most from taking a bold step is the excuse of ‘I don’t have enough skill, knowledge or technical know-how’ whereas their undoing is simply succumbing to fear. Would you allow 2018 walk past you holding that same excuse when you can equip yourself with the needed skills right online? All you need is to MAKE THE CALL.

It is one thing to have an enemy, it is another thing to make someone your enemy. Despite the fact you have made several entreaties to make him/her your friend again after your relationship collapsed doesn’t mean you should give up, if he is not giving in, you still got to MAKE THE CALL once again. You gain more making friends than enemies.

There is that beautiful babe or handsome bobo (smiles) that catches your fancy and you wonder how you are gonna do it, very simple, MAKE THE CALL.

Your right has been trampled on by whoever it might be. Morally, socially, economic wise you have been abused, it is time to challenge your challenger, stand up and MAKE THAT CALL.

I can go on and on but all will lead to your decision to MAKE THAT CALL in whatever you are doing or whatever situation you might be in. Because you don't know, that one call might be all you need to turn things around.


@sammyswt for @steem-x

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