No Limits - Keep Pushing 2

On our last post, we talked about leaving our comfort zones. This continues the journey.
Here are some rules you could apply to help push yourself out of your comfort zone slightly more easily:


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  • Think outside the box. While others are being reactive and claiming victim, stay proactive and strive to be a problem solver.

  • Pushing yourself sometimes requires having role models and mentors. People you wanna be like or probably exceed. You wanna know why you need this? You going2 be faced with challenges sometimes that would require you asking yourself.. "What would my role model do?". Would he or she quit?

  • Put in your very best when faced with any challenge. Some problems come with various solutions. To be able to push forward efficiently, you have to weigh your different options and come up with the optimal solution. Thinking like that will open up a new possibility you should probably follow.

  • Understans that many of our fears and obstacles we face are just in our heads. Most of them are just illusions stopping us due to bad past experience. It’s like having a bug in your brain’s “software”; you have to fix it to operate optimally.

  • Surrounding yourself with the right people. People's definition of right people will obviously vary from one person to another but go from friends to business partners. You do not need people who go easy on you, they'll make you miss out on alot. The prople you should focus on are those honest with you, they point out your flaws which indirectly pushes you to achieve your greater potential as you work on them.

Surround Yourself With People Pushers:


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In life, pushing yourself could prove extremely difficult, but that’s the more reason why you need the help of other persons. Also more reason you need the right surroundings and an environment that supports your potential, an environment that pushes you. If you happen to be the smartest or the most capable person in the room, then you are in the wrong room but surrounding yourself with the right individual or group of individuals has always been one of the best way to grow.

You could adopt the following as regards people you should surround yourself with is:

  • 33 % of people who are less capable than you, and push them and coach them
  • 33 % of people who are on the same level as you, and push each other
  • 33 % of people who are more capable than you, and make sure that they push you hard.

Push But Don't Push Too Hard:

Life presents us with basically three zones of which:

  • The first is your comfort zone
  • The learning zone
  • and finally the panic zone.

By stepping out of your comfort zone into your learning zone, you give yourself a chance to grow and evolve over time. Remember adjusting to a new phase takes time so be mindful and avoid stepping too far out of your comfort zone and biting off more than you can chew as it could be most times even more dangerous than being in the comfort zone. Stepping way out of your learning zone takes you to your panic zone. It would stress negative feelings and anxiety and the panic zone isn’t anywhere you'd want to be.

One of the reasons people by-pass their learning zone is being impatient.They want to speed up things you know. Forgetting when you take time and nurture something it blooms in the most beautiful way possible.

Simply put, If you take the wrong thing too far, you will end up hurting yourself (physically or mentally), then you'd find yourself experiencing a great setback.

Speed kills


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Speed could also kill your potential as well, thus you got to be smart and that rule does not apply only to extreme circumstances but to all different kinds of situations you are faced with. You should know, it is way better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles; and one major way of conquering yourself is by pushing yourself. Push hard, but then not too hard. Endeavour to find yourself in the flow and in the learning zone.

Your fears ain't meant to destroy you....but to show you what you have to face, where you have to challenge and how you can really grow.

Now start pushing!

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