Don’t Fear the Hustle (Best of Sunday Sermon 3-25-18) | Sashavational

So two Sundays ago (March 25th, 2018) I went to start my usual Sunday Sermon and ran into some technical difficulties.

Were you there for that? Sorry if I let you down!

The show still went on, but we did it on Facebook Live instead.

Since many folks were upset to miss an episode, today’s video is a “Best Of” from that hour-long broadcast.

If you were one of those folks that missed it before, now is a good time to remind you to join our free Facebook groups and follow me there so you don’t miss an announcement again.

We have one for dating/relationships/social freedom, and another for health/wealth/spirituality.

In this video I talk about my new business (ad)venture – owning my own restaurant!

Welcome to Chez Sasha mofos!

I talk about how I’ve had to start learning all the details of the job from scratch,

how I’m busting my ass hustling as a waiter,

the importance of hustling for success,

a bit about my hustling past,

and why it’s important to keep pushing your comfort zone!

The Best Of video is at the top. This one below is the full Sermon:

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