Five minutes a day affirm yourselves saying out loud out loud. Every day five minutes a day say I'm a great person. I'm a wonderful person. I'm a child of God. I'm beautiful. I'm equipped. I'm accepted. I am approved five minutes, say it! Declare it. Before the day is done, you better make sure that you take care of yourself.
Make a decision today. I am going to be happy and I'm not going to wait to have some great things happening to me. I am deciding that I am NOT going to waste one more day of my life being sad and sour. We can't afford to sit around in victim playing the victim game and sitting around Feeling sorry for ourselves. You have to get up in life and say I am NOT sitting here the rest of my life. Get up
We can decide to be a new character. We can literally step into a new role. We can be a little more confident a little bit more bold a little bit more aggressive little bit more caring. This is a new day. I'm not feeding my history anymore. I'm letting go of what didn't work out if you feed guilt. It's going to get bigger if you feed fear, it's going to become larger.
What if you spent that same energy feeding your faith feeding your hopes, feeding your dreams?
We must be people who live on purpose and by that I mean we decide what we're going to do and we get up and do it. We don't wait to have to feel like it or to think it's a good idea or to have a whole bunch of people clapping and cheering for us. Just because my get-up-and-go has got up and gone that doesn't mean that I have to lay down with it. I have greater power than how I feel I can actually say I'm going to get up off of this couch and I am going to do something with my life. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and having a pity party and get up and put your shoes on and say I'm not going to live here in. Discouragement intimidation fear and doubt I'm going somewhere and here I go.
The fact that you are alive today means you are someone special the fact that you are alive today means there is a mighty call on your life to do something with the rest of your life But I'm trying to tell you something that is true, and it's true for me, and it's true for you. You can get anything you want. Time is something that we all have the exact same amount of Twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. That's all you're going to get isn't it amazing that some people do so much with their life And other people do so pitifully little with their life?
We can't blame it on circumstances. We are the ones who need to rise up No matter what else you do love and accept yourself. We have this deep Insecurity in all of us this deep down fear that all the other ones come from that somehow in some way. I'm not enough, and I am here to tell you that YOU ARE!
Just expressing the amazing feelings of being healthy wealthy and joyful Will attract more of it into your life. You need to learn how to feel good about yourself when you feel down when you feel. You know you're not you don't you're not very often and you feel you look down at yourself. You've got to learn how to feel good about yourself begin to think of your blessings begin to speak to yourself. Get your passion back put a smile on your face. Start moving forward. Expect good to happen live every day with this thought something good is going to happen any moment. Everybody say something good is going to happen in my life. Something good is going to happen to me and something good is going to happen through me
Speak the word confess a fear of yourself five minutes a day it's going to change your life.

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