The 21century Concern... Know your worth... Stay abreast

We now live in a knowledge based age, economy where what you know, how valuable it is and your capacity to deliver stands you out.
Its swiftly shifting from who you know even though that has its place.


There underlining factor here is what value you can offer. What is it you can do so well that your name only comes up in the mind of people when the need arises ?.

A lots of person (you) really need to take a personal retreat and appraise on what stuff you are made up of. Whats training do you require to meet up with the standard of the 21 century ?.
Its not business as usual anymore: the tide has changed and you have to shift your paradigm to measure up as well if you wanna be relevant.

Sometimes making a decision can be tougher than carrying it out, but to make progress you must decide. A few days of clear and firm decision making can inspire your next ten years. -- Jim Rohn

There is urgent need for you to be technology complaint. Its time to upgrade.

To upgrade your life means you raise to your true potential and become the better person you are meant to be. It means you would have to take some of the things that already exist and utilize and improve upon it by adding, replacing or sometimes completely letting go of certain aspect of your life.

Things have changed so fast especially with blockchain adoption and its rippling diruptive effect in many industries. And this is just the begining of yet more of the emerging trends we are yet to experience and sometimes keeping up can these fast tech emergence can be a bit tasky. What i do for instance to stay ahead of the game is follow tech inclined folks in areas i wanna be informed on. Folks like @samstickkz @ejemai @tojukaka @bania @amec @nairadaddy @crown @sweetsssj @crowe @destinysaid @stach and many more are on my of influence and setting up my post notification button make it easy for me.
And this is key for me on other media platforms as well and others influencers that i follow for value. Rather than spend more time research from scratch i would rather tap from where other pulsed.


The key word here is we must be a person of value if you are gonna be relevant in this century. Look out for more ways you can improve yourself and become of better version of you. You must upgrade and inspire your sphere of contact with the goodness of your personality.

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