🏆🎯 - Reach Your Goals - 🏁🔝

🎯Reach Your Goals - 5 Helpful Tips🔝

If you want to achieve your goals, it is not enough to have the desire and the intentions to achieve it. What will influence is your attitude. Today I am going to offer you some tips that will increase your chances of success, I hope you like it.

1.Believe that it is possible

There are phrases that we usually say which put us in doubt about ourselves, like when we say "I would like to, but I can not because: I do not have money, I'm ugly, I'm short on stature, I do not know what to do, I did not study that career ... "This means that you will not even try something to achieve your goal, because you do not believe in yourself. These pretexts regularly hide a personal insecurity or fear of the unknown. The problem is that you do not put these pretexts aside never you'll find a way to reach your goal. At times you may not have all the necessary elements, this does not mean that you never will not have them. Make a list of your pretexts and then transform them into actions that will help you achieve your goals. Example:
  • I do not have time, but I'm going to stop using Facebook so much and I'll wake up earlier. So you can spend more time searching for the elements necessary to reach your goal.
  • I have no idea how it is done, but I investigate on the subject to have a wider knowledge of the field I wish to study.
  • I did not study that degree, but I took several courses and I will read a lot about it. You can demonstrate your knowledge in practice without needing a paper to justify your skills.


2. Commit yourself to your goals

You may want to achieve your goals with all your strength, but if you do not commit 100% to them, unfortunately you will never achieve them. This means that you will make an effort, that your pretexts will turn them into a bridge that will help you achieve your goals, you will learn every day everything you need, even if it costs you your pride, ask for help, propose that if at any time there is an adversity you will not give up, you will look for a way to overcome it or try to use it in your favor. Focus even if things get difficult, defend your dream first of all. Most important, be patient. If achieving your goal takes more than a year, would you keep trying? If it took 5 years, would it still be worth the effort? Most of the time these things always take more time than you estimate, and that's where your commitment to your goal takes place.

3. Choose a plan

Focus on only one thing at a time, if your attention and energy are dispersed, in the end you will achieve nothing. So choose a single strategy to achieve your goal. Your strategy may not be the best, but it is better that you are doing something, no matter how small it may be, but you are doing something, you are working to reach your goal.

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4. Evaluate, Learn and Correct

It's wise to change your opinion. If you cling to your ideas, you will become a grumpy old man. Once you have begun to take steps to achieve what you want, make revisions. Evaluate: what worked, what did not work and what you will do differently to get better results.

5. The most important thing

Entrust your goals to God, since he is the one who decides if it is appropriate for you to reach that goal, asks for direction and patience, He knows what is the best time to act. Here are some verses that will give you strength:
  • Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV): Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
  • Proverbs 21:5 (NVI): The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty.


Have faith and trust fully in God, only He knows what is best. He has prepared things for your life, that you can not even imagine.

There are many things that influence the success or failure of your goal. Not only is it about personal skills, most of the time there is an internal game that does not allow you to advance to the next level. Overcome your fears and just do it.


Thanks for reading, greetings!

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