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This world is filled with more than enough wealth for everyone to be rich . There is enough wealth for everyone to enjoy, but how come not everyone is rich?

The answer is simple,and clear. Laziness is one of the many reasons why some people fall short of this reward pool of wealth in the world.

A very good example are some of our friends on Facebook, they used to wish their likes could be converted into money, well they've heard about steemit, what's stopping them? They don't have time to sit down and make a post, laziness!

I love talking to students, so let me use students as a typical example. Several students gain admission into school but not all will graduate with good grades.

Even though they all got same 24 hours and same lecturer, some will still come out way successful in life than others. The reason is very simple: success has principles.

The successful student obviously makes good use of his 24 hours more than others. . He doesn't spend time on less important matters, he takes advantage of any spare time to learn something that will help him achieve his academic goals and he ensures to prepare ahead for any impromptu test.

Same thing applies in life, we all have equal share of 24 hours, what we do with it is what determines our success in whatever we do.

Life is school with no exam or test time table. you just need to be ready at all times so you can take advantage of any opportunity.

Take advantage of new opportunities

I remember when I first heard about steemit on YouTube, I had little or no idea of how it works, but I just registered, hoping for the best.

knowing how cheap bitcoin was several years ago and now it's over $11k,i just wanted to see if I could hop into some new good coins that could be the next ethereum or bitcoin. I went researching, found steemit and joined in March.

I had no full idea on how it works, but I jumped into it and now I have no regrets today, I took advantage of the rare information I got.

Now I've earned and I'm telling my friends about it on Facebook but they are still not in., I've even started live steemit tutorials

I was talking to one of them yesterday after my live streaming about steemit yesterday and he said

I don't want to join now and get serious, because if I do and steemit crashes, I won't be able to forgive myself, so let me just stick to Facebook.

I was shocked, really I was. Some people just don't have the liver to invest time or money into anything. They'll rather not try.

These guys that will not attempt to try something new or dare to take advantage of new opportunities because no one has ever done it will still be the one to say

So you found out it really works and you didn't bother to come tell me.

The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”– Mark Zuckerberg

How to take advantage of new opportunities

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1. Learn new skills or improve on your current skills.

Unlike school where opportunities to pass a course is announced way ahead of time in form of exam time table, life has no exam time table.

In other to pass your courses in life, you need to be prepared at all times or before time.

There are some skills that will not be needed in some years time, there are some knowledge that will not be needed in some years time too, You should always research on skills that are needed now or in the future.

If you're a web designer, you should know by now that the future doesn't belong to those web designers who don't know how to build on blockchain or integrate blockchain API into a website , so what should you do now? Start learning, start making research.

Smart media token will be launched in 2018, start reading the white paper today, start figuring out how you can provide Smart Media Token ideas to people that it will be beneficial to them.

Lisk will be launching its software development kits (SDK) in the first quarter of 2018, so start learning how to build decentralized applications with Javascript because the future doesn't belong to app developers who only know how to build centralized apps. With lisk, you can build decentralized apps.

2. Get out of your comfort zone

I have a friend that works in the bank and lately we've not been in good terms because he's thinking I'm a distraction to him because of the little statement I made his house recently. I told him

the future doesn't belong to bankers.

I made that statement because I know what email did to post office. Several years ago, those who worked in post offices were rich because the only way to communicate with someone in a far place is through letters,so the job was hot cake then. But is that kind of job still "hot cake"? No,!

When I was in junior secondary school , I was taught how to use typewriter and how to write "short hand", my "short hand" teacher was the best in the whole community then, but where is he now? He's poor, he was dedicated to being the best "short hand" teacher,he didn't learn any other thing apart from "short hand", now "short hand" teachers ain't needed anymore, now he's broke.

His skill was hot cake then and he was just comfortable with the the title of the best "short hand" teacher in town and the money he was getting then was just enough to get him a car, but as the demand for his skill kept decreasing, his poverty increasing exponentially . His comfort in learning nothing new led to his poverty.

3. Don't play fair with yourself

We all have dreams and goals. Our dream is what we want to be, and to be what we want to be, we need to be discipline ourselves enough not to work below daily target.

Sometimes I get home after a long day and when I get home, I just go straight to my reading table to find out if I've achieved every task planned out for that day.

It's usually not easy not to give your body what it wants at night (sleep). I've been sleeping almost every night through out my lifetime and I've not gotten any good return (not a wise investment).

Most times before going to bed, I make sure I've I completed every single task for that day, even if it means losing some hours of sleep time,I'll stay awake to complete my daily task.


Success or failure ain't accidentally. Your success tomorrow lies in the decisions you make today.

Learn something new everyday, improve on old skills, dump outdated skills and you'll see yourself prepared for any opportunity that shows up.

Those who do these things will be rich tomorrow

Thanks for Reading

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