Don't get enslaved by the wrong addiction

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Most, if not every one has an addiction that has enslaved them. Some may call it something to relieve stress. These addictions enslaves us; when the urges come, we can't do anything until we've satisfied the urge.

The brain shuts down to rational reasoning, not until these urges are satisfied, do we return back to proper reasoning. At these times we feel regret, we are remorseful. We wished, we didn't do it. We ask ourselves why we did.

We are slaves; slaves to our desires. We try to fight them off but they stay clinging to us, draining our productive energy. Energy should be channeled to positive endeavors.

How do we really free ourselves from the slave master, driving us with heavy shackles? How do we break the cycle of addiction? Learned personalities have tired to study and understand how these additions become ingrained into our subconscious, that we do them without even thinking.

They've come up with a lot of theories. Some have been really helpful, others useless.
How do Slaves get free; the task master or in this case slave master must be executed. How do we carry it out, "what we feed grows, what we starve dies".

So it's simple we kill the slave master by starving it. What is that addiction you've been trying to destroy; starve the addiction.
If you're addicted to the television, take it away from your house, stay away from watching television for a year or two. Replace that addiction with something interesting like reading or exercising.

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If you're addicted to porn and you don't like it, then take away all devices that will give you access to that addiction for as long as possible, substitute it with a more productive activity .

Channel your energy to something productive and positive. Ask yourselves, this activity I regularly indulge in, does it add anything to my life? If not, you've got to drop it and substitute it for something that add values. And most importantly, can't achieve the aforementioned without a bit of self discipline.

Speaking of substituting new activities for old. replacing my social activity on Facebook with steemit has been one of the most important decisions I've made this year.

Yea, facebook was eating up my free time and I was paying for it, now steemit is eating up my free time and Steemit is paying for it.

thanks for reading

My previous post


  2. Stop violence against WOMEN

  3. The baby attitude

Special thanks to @enazwahsdarb for the picture below IMG_20170930_201826.jpg


@skyleap for this cartoon drawing of me

I love them


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