Your Decisions Count; Make Them Wisely

In the journey of life, every step you take, no matter how little or big it is, is a choice which will definitely have an outcome. A lot of people are focused majorly on the much bigger choices; like the choice of career, choice of location to settle down, choice of who to marry, choice of a big investment to make, etc, while forgetting that the seemingly smaller choices can also have significant impact on one's life. As a matter of fact, the cumulative of these small choices can create a massive effect in someone's life that is without question. This is the reason you need to make every decision to count, because they can influence the outcome of your life.


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Each day that dawns will present to you opportunities to take steps and make decisions. These decisions may look small and most times isolated, but the truth is that they are part of what builds the future. When you want to build a structure, it does not just grow out of nowhere - you need to be laying blocks on top of each other and by that, the building will be created. In the same way, the daily small decisions that you make will serve as the building blocks that you will need to create the kind of future that you want. What you do over time becomes not just your character, but your personality. The small decisions you take also form part of you.

You have to understand that your daily decisions should be geared towards accomplishing your long-term goals. For example; if you want to graduate with a very good result, you can make it a point of duty to put in 30 minutes a day to study after lectures. It may look small, but the cumulative of these 30 minutes over a period of time will definitely place you on the pathway of excellence than someone who only depends on what was taught in the lectures. This goes to prove that your daily decisions can affect your life in ways you may not even imagine. If you want to build muscles for example, you do not do it overnight, but you constantly go to the gym and lift weights over a period of time. In life, what you do today will determine what happens to you tomorrow.

You may be faced with a though decision to make in the present but it may be what will hold the key to your breakthrough tomorrow. It is true that humans always to go after what looks good and convenient at the moment, but you have to know that some of the decisions you need to take today may not be convenient at the present but will be beneficial in the future. You may just need to sacrifice the comfort of today to secure the enjoyment of tomorrow. If you always seek for short-term gratification and comfort, you may miss out on the long-term goal.


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It is worthy to note that the decisions you take should be backed up by adequate knowledge so that they will deliver maximally. You do not just take hasty, emotion-based and irrational decisions and hope to get something positive from it. Before taking any step, you need to employ your brain to think about it. However, you should not spend so much time thinking that you delay taking prompt steps. When you unnecessarily delay a decision that you should have taken, it may render the potential benefits futile. The actions that will deliver maximally has to be done promptly and rightly. Remember that "time" is only your ally if you are taking prompt steps.

Also remember that it is not always the quantity of steps you take that will matter but the quality. Taking a thousand steps towards the wrong direction will definitely not get you close to the destination. But one step in the right direction gets you closer to it. Small positive steps can create ripple effects of positive results. In the same way, small negative steps can also create ripple effects of negative results. So make the right decisions and choose your steps wisely. Always have tomorrow and the future in mind when making any decision today.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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