The Power Of Doing Things Now

If you unnecessarily delay what you should have done in the present or if you defer it to tomorrow, you stand the risk of making it lose relevance. Sadly, a lot of people have been in a situation of procrastination, which has affected them negatively, and some of them regret it but it was late. This is why whatever you are supposed to do now, do not allow it to pass now without doing it. There is the power of advantage that lies in doing things at the right time. By aligning with time, you already fulfilled a major part of the requirement of success.


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Some years back, while I was in school, one of my friends used to share with us about his plans to start of a business that produces a certain product. He would talk and talk about it so much that everyone was already piqued to see the product, but he kept delaying it. We tried to encourage him to start but he would always say that he would start soon at the right time. He kept saying that for some months until one day, we were taking a stroll after lectures one evening and surprisingly, we stumbled on someone that is already doing the same business which he had failed to start. He was shocked to see that and before long, the person took over the neighbourhood with patronages. If he had started when he first talked about it, he would have been the one to enjoy the grace.

When you do things on time, there is a type of "early bird" effect that normally marks the action. Sometimes, it is not luck, as some people may think that is working for someone, but they simply took prompt actions. Trust me, even if the person takes the action and it did not turn out good, they will still have plenty of time left to make corrections and take more steps. But if they take the step late, they may not have such time. This is why you have to be prompt and quick with your actions. If you know you will do something, then it makes no sense not doing it now. To succeed, you have to leverage on the power of the present and take actions towards your dreams without delays.

In order to take actions in the now, you have to understand the need to take the action, because this will help you to take quick actions. If you know the benefits of doing it, it will become easier to get it done. It is true that the size of the project may look overwhelming and discouraging, but if you do not start, then you will never complete it. When you start and do so early, you will be surprised that what used to look so big and overwhelming is now an easy walkover.


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It is worthy to note that whatever is worth doing is best done promptly. One of my friends one shared her bad experience of how she missed a particular job opening simply because she did not do the needful on time even though she was more than qualified for the job. By the time she tried to apply, the window period was already over and the job was gone. This taught her a very hard and bitter lessons of why she had to stop procrastination and she learnt to do things on time. The truth is that it is better you take timely action even if you are not sure of the outcome of the action than to keep procrastinating and end up not taking any action. At least if you have taken the action, you will be glad you did, because you will either hit your target or learn a lesson.

I have come to realise that a task does not even get easier by prolonging or procrastinating it, rather it becomes more difficult and complicated because many other tasks would have compounded with it, thereby making it more complex. If you have an idea of what to do, or when you create your dream and have drawn out your plans for it, then you should take actions immediately. Remember that time will not stop to wait for you to take action. More so, the same idea can lose potency and become obsolete by the passage of time, so take prompt and timely actions.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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