It Takes Learning To Secure The Future

In this ever-changing world, the need for constant learning has become increasingly necessary as the days go by. As a matter of fact, your ability to learn more, in this era, has become very crucial. With the way new trends are emerging daily, from the technology world, and from other works of life, one of the ways to adapt to it is to embrace more knowledge. Of course, you can only adapt to what you already have a prior knowledge of. More so, you can only feature effectively in a future that you have created from your knowledge-base of today. The more you know, the better it is to make impact in life and live the kind of life you desire.


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When we were much younger, many years ago, one of the purposes of going to school and getting educated is to get a degree with which you can use to secure a job and then work until you retire. However, in this era, we are already experiencing a paradigm shift from that old pattern. You do not just learn because you need a degree but there are many other things to it. With the rise of industrialisation, automation, artificial intelligence, technologies of various kinds, etc, you need to gain extensive knowledge in order to flow along with them and also to maintain relevance. You will be surprised that some human-level skills are already being replaced by automation and AI. If you do not learn and update on your skills, you may not be able to secure your tomorrow and you stand the risk of being edged out.

Many years ago, the manual typewriter was almost the highest document processing device found in most offices. In that era, your knowledge of typewriter will give you a very massive edge over others because it is what is obtainable at that era. However in this era which has seen complex computational systems and some beast-mode computer systems, if all you know is still the old typewriter, then you are already knocked off the competition and you are not securing the future because you are obviously living in the past.

It is by gaining more knowledge that you will be able to secure your tomorrow. If you understand how the world is now going, you will agree with me that many of the "hot in demand" skills of yesteryears do not even make it to the front row in this era. In fact, some have been replaced over the years and in this era, we are now seeing many other skills leading the way. Ability to keep yourself updated with new skills, knowledge and information has become a very crucial asset in this era. It is safe to infer that information now rules a very major part of this era. People with relevant knowledge, skills and information are always preferred over the rest.

Why a lot of people do not pursue after learning is because they do not know the benefits embedded in it. The truth is that when you do not know the benefits and purpose of a thing, then doing it may be seen as a burden because there will be no motivation to do it. If you do not have the motivation to keep learning, then you may be stuck at your old knowledge without improving. The truth is that knowledge, as well as many others things, can become obsolete with the passage of time. What you knew in the past may not be sufficient enough to undertake the demands of life today, so keep learning.


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You do not assume into a future without carefully creating it. One of the ways to create the kind of future that you desire is to know what you want and then work to get yourself prepared for it. A good tomorrow does not answer to having vain wishes, neither does it answer to luck, you need to work for it. One of the works you need to put in place is mental work. If your mind is prepared for what lies ahead, then your body will also follow suit. Keep learning, you will tend to see things differently and from a new point of view. When you have built up your mind through learning, you will see how possible things will become.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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