You've always heard people said a man is worth two dollars a day from the neck down. How much he is worth depends on how much he is able to see it.

"Without vision the people perish" did now refer to the good eyesight. It was the eye of the mind that counted in days of old just as they do today. Without them you are just so much power "on the hook", to be driven as horse or an ox is driven. And you are worth a little more than them.

But given vision, imagination, the ability to visualize conditions and things a month or a year; given the eye of the mind- there is no limit to your value or to your capabilities.

The locomotive, the steamboat, the airplane, the automobile, STEEMIT all existed complete in the imagination of some strong man before ever they become facts. The wealthy men, the big men, the successful men, visioned their success to their minds' eye before ever they won them from the world.

STEEMIT is here, wake up, see yourself doing it!

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