Conquer Self Doubt - Success Entrepreneur's #28

Self doubt...

It is probably men's greatest enemy.


The enemy to creativity.

The enemy to taking massive action.

The enemy to success.

And the enemy to freedom.

We are constantly living in a world of self doubt.

There are so many things we know we should do but self doubt is preventing us from doing it.

Not believing in yourself is something you should be made aware of.

And after being made aware, it is something you need to tackle and conquer!

Here are my top 2 methods to on how to conquer self doubt.

1. I will seek advice from the RIGHT people.


Having the right people around you who can give you the motivation you need to push you to do what you want to do will probably be the best weapon you will ever have.

If you are seeking advice from somebody who is also doubting themselves too much, chances are, you will not get anywhere.

You need the right person and once you found that person, keep in contact with him / her

2. I will always go back to my WHY


Being a digital entrepreneur is not easy. Along the journey, there will be a lot of times where you will doubt yourself, especially when you do not see results.

Take making video for example, if you are just starting out as a nobody, chances are, your youtube / dtube channel will not be discovered by people. The likes, the views, the comments might all come from you yourself.

Don't even talk about monetising the video when there are no views nor subscribers.

However, the only way for you to keep pushing through that is to keep creating content and building your audience. You might not see the results you want even after one year.

Along that one year and even after one year, will self doubt surface? Definitely.

However, when you go back to your WHY, your WHY will be pushing factor.

As for me, my family, my fiance will always be my why I am always striving to be a better digital entrepreneur. I want to create a life of freedom for them and allowing them to do the things they love!

So start conquering self doubt.

Don't let fear control you.

And when you are able to conquer your doubts and fears, you will be closer to freedom.

~Freedom is only a step away~

Jin Kit

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