Success Starts From A Dream, How Big Do You Dare To Dream?

Life is a journey, where you will struggle and work hard to survive and get what you want. "Life is so hard and needs a struggle," as some parents say when teaching children about life. However, is it true that life is just as simple as that? The journey and also the struggle, you certainly need a goal to be achieved there. Why do you walk and struggle if you do not have a clear purpose in your life.

That is, you must define a clear point or goal first. Because it will be a waste of time, if you spend the time to walk and walk, without knowing what you will go in the future. Remember this life can not only walk in place, because it is almost the same as death.


Life may flow like water, where life is seeking its own way without a plan. But do you know, even the flowing water has a definite purpose, because the long rivers will empty into the sea as well. There is no river that does not lead to the estuary and ends in the vast ocean, because that is where the journey is going.

In the course of it the water will flow through a lot of land, forest, or even high mountains though. Water flows and becomes something useful for this life, for plants, animals and especially for us humans. Then, in your journey that is like running water, is your life useful for others? Make sure you become something in the journey of your life, because this will help you find your real life purpose.

Even if you have a clear purpose in life, it will not matter, if you can not do your best to achieve that. There are many people who achieve their goals in life, but not everyone is happy for the achievements they have made. The purpose of life should be the best, and have a great impact for your life. Some people consider this a dream of their life, because it often seems impossible to others around it.


It is important for you to have the courage to dream, where you place some of your life's hopes and goals as the greatest desire that you will attain later. But dreams alone will never be enough, if you do not move quickly and work hard to make it a reality in your life. Do not just be a dreamer, because this will not get you anywhere.

Dare to dream, but more daring to struggle to realize your dreams. Give up all your abilities, even hard efforts that you never thought of before.

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