Monday Motivation

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I may have mentioned this before but just in case you missed it. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa and we have the best weather in the world. The winters are not too cold. The summers are not too hot. However, you will never discover this from listening to people living in Johannesburg. We complain about the weather all the time!

As a result of the mildness of our seasons there is something some of you may understand better than what I do. We mostly control the temperature of our homes by opening or closing a window. Thus no thermostat. No complex contraptions in the basement enabling us to determine the temperature of each room. We do not even have basements. It must be amazing to twist a dial on a thermostat when you are hot or cold.

I'm saying all of this because I recently listened to an American who asked his audience whether they were a thermostat or a thermometer. In other words, do you merely measure the temperature or do you change the temperature?

Part of me would want to know how you control the temperature of homes in your country. But mostly I too would want to know whether you are a thermometer or a thermostat.

Here is another way of saying it.

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  • When you boil a potato, the potato softens.
  • When you boil an egg, the egg hardens.

The hot water changes both the potato and the egg.

  • When you boil coffee beans, the water becomes coffee.

The beans changes the water!

Monday Motivation

Take this week by the scruff of its neck and determine the outcome. Be coffee beans (or a thermostat) and make an impact wherever you go. Don't let your circumstances define you. Be yourself and bring about change around you.

"You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.
Joh 15:16 MSG


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