The Entrepreneurs Trap #1 - The One Thing You Have To Avoid To See Results - by The Vegan Entrepreneur

Growing a business, being an entrepreneur, having freedom and chasing your dreams is what TRUE LIFE is all about. Waking up and doing what you love. Trust me, there is no better feeling. I've been doing this ever since the day I've been born and in my blog series 'The Entrepreneur Trap', I will share with you the lessons I've learned, hoping they can help you.


Right now I'm in the biggest entrepreneurial journey of my 30 year old life so far. The Vegan Entrepreneur is my image, and will be my companies and The 3:1:3 Method is the way to teach people to follow their dreams and learning how to do it as a lifestyle, not just a hobby.

If you are always full of ideas, see opportunities everywhere, and it's hard to only do one thing.

This describes me. In the past 6 months, I registered 37 domain names to start new projects.
Full of energy I start the day, only not being sure what I actually did by the time it ends.

The secret to getting things done is FOCUS. For the past weeks, I've changed my habits and really start to get things done.

Look back at your school days. Look back at the deadlines you've faced in your life.
You postponed everything until you have to deliver. The next 24-48 hours, you push, you push hard!
And the best part, you get things done! You finished your project, you studied your exam.

Do you recognize yourself?

You focussed... That's it.

So recognize that pattern in your life and if you want to achieve something, focus.

Start the day before you get to bed. Prepare what your schedule will look like from the moment you wake up until you go back to sleep. Write a list of everything that you need to do. What's most important?

Do that first. Start with the most important thing and only do that.
Add deadlines to your work. The first year, expect not to be 100% accurate on your deadlines and you might over- or underestimate the amount of work it takes to do one certain job. But you'll get better...
Aim for perfection but accept the process you need to go through in order to get there.

Don't be too hard on yourself.
Even if you are 3, 4 or 5x more productive than you are now.
If you don't learn to accept where you are now, you will never feel satisfied.
There is always a better, faster way.
If you disagree, you just didn't look hard enough.

I still struggle doing this on a regular basis but I know where I'm going.
I see massive improvement and I'll never be done learning.

You don't know what you don't know.
So keep learning and stay motivated!

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