Everyone has what they love and among the things I love is the game of basketball. From childhood have always envied anyone who could Play this game, saw them as demigods. So tall, well built, liked the grace in their movement and the picture of courage and strength on their faces.
In reality I longed to be a player but physically my stature and fears didn't fit into the picture of the NBA players I saw. Life presented impossibilities of actualizing my dreams as a player and I chose to believe these impossibilities. The fear of being disgraced and laughed at if I couldn't learn the rules quickly held me back, fear of being weak to defend the ball against the offense and being pushed out by the tallies and well built players also affected me.

Many times I would stand aside to watch those playing, I could actually feel the joy in the game and but deep fear not to fail held me back from being involved. My dream and desire lingered for long until I took a bold step to try. WhiIe trying, I had some fractures, broken bones and serious body pains but with time I also became the envy of my peers then I came to realize that physically I was small statuted yet I am player. The picture and story life painted was false. Not only did I find joy and peace in this game but also control. I was told that "you are in control of the ball, do not panic just play!", these words changed my life.
The whole essence of this piece is to let someone know that life would throw at you a long list of impossibilities and proof to buy into his ideas, it would tell you the things society thinks and says you can't be but it would definitely not tell you the things you really are and can be. But guess what, life does not have the final verdict, you can decide to give into the dreadful image life presents when it bruise and breaks your expectations and dreams or you can decide to be in control and decide to explore the real possibilities of things you are. Just view life as the ball! And you the player. Control life to flow with your beat and rhyme, maneuver life challenges with strength and shoot to the rim of your dreams with focus only to end up winning but if you miss, do the drills again. The Holy Writ, says "I can do all things" not some things, so choose team possibilities.

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