What We Do When in Difficult/Lost Condition?

Verily after difficulty there is ease"


When in difficult conditions, we feel it's hard to try to get up and see everything from a positive point of view. We think that nature does not side with us and a question mark "Why all these conditions are happening to me?".

We've all been in that condition. For example: dismissed from work, breakup, failed business and bankruptcy, loss of loved ones, humiliated, abused and belittled. As a normal human being, never feel strange with the condition, everyone has ever felt it


So, to get out and rise from the problem, think and do things:

  1. Remember God
    What is in the universe belongs to God the Creator. The good, the bad and whatever happens and what we have and the natural are the conditions set by God.
  2. Focus on the Problems faced
    Clear our minds. Focus on the problems faced to find a solution to the problems that face it.
  3. Ask the Question: "What is the worst risk that will happen?"
    We will find the worst answers to the problems we are facing, so we will be forced to find the logical answer that the problems and concerns of the we are caused by a narrow and even false viewpoint. We will find that the problem is only a matter of point of view.
  4. Prepare Mental for the Bad Possibility Occurred
    Prepare yourself as early as possible to deal with adverse conditions that will occur. So when it really happens that worry, we are ready to accept it
  5. Do the Little Things to Overcome the Current Problems
    Writing can be a simple solution in which we write down all the troubleshooting that is being encountered. Next we can choose which solution is the simplest that can be done now also to solve the problem. Write down all the solutions that appear inside your head, then choose which is the simplest you can do right now.
  6. Always Find Reasons To Continue Life
    Those who know and have reason why they live in this world, then those who are always strong and strong in the face of any ordeal. By knowing why you live, you will certainly be able to re-think rationally and return to the path of life as you wish

Time will help us, do what we can to lift ourselves back to the path we want.

Just as a rubber ball is thrown to the floor, the harder it is thrown, the higher it will bounce upwards. So also with us, the more we fall down, I hope after that, you will bounce high, as high as possible, beyond what you imagined before,

May be useful.


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