Bored At Home? Best Time To Hone Your Skills!

I know there is a lot of negativity going around about the current state of affairs, where most have to stay at home and can't go out.

Well, since I am in no different position I feel it is a great time to remind each other of the potential for growth this situation can afford us, if we choose to make good use of it.


Boredom = a lack of moving in your heart's direction

I used to get bored a lot when I was younger and though I still sometimes experience days where I feel little motivation to start something most days are now packed with glorious opportunities to expand my inner world. And though the situation is scaring many people these days the reality is - you have been given the perfect "excuse" to stay at home and further your progress in the areas of life you dig!

Feel bored because your job has been filling up your entire life so far? Well maybe it would be a great time to start painting pictures like you always wanted.

Feel isolated and a lack of community around you? Well maybe it's a great time to start practicing that language you always wanted to get good at.

Want to become a pro at anything? Now is the perfect time to lay the groundwork!

The idea is to use this crazy time we find ourselves in in order to have a "headstart" when this period comes to an end. Imagine how awesome it would be to come out of this lockdown phase with heaps of inspiration and an already developed skillset in the things you always procrastinated on.

It doesn't even matter what it is. Getting better at cooking, starting to learn how to trade, writing the book you have always had excuses to not start on - now is the time to do it.


It's not like you have to put yourself under pressure but instead to ease into the reality of the situation, leaving you with the feeling you have used your time wisely and have put these days to good use for your future self. How this will end up none of us know but wouldn't it be great to look back on this crazy time and remember this is the day you have laid the groundwork for what you always wanted to do?

Everybody always asserts that "there is so much to do but so little time." Well, now is the time. Get the ball rolling, start chipping away at your doubts about your ability and just do the thing right now. Don't expect anything just start moving in the direction of your dreams.

And hey, maybe this odd situation will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to those on the fence about following their dreams and moving ever closer to building the life they always wanted. Move a little bit further one day at a time. Celebrate the small successes. No matter what it is - you can do it.



If you already know what you want to get good at but feel too many obstacles are in your way try reading my guide for struggling artists of all crafts here, it might help you out a lot!

The Art of the Struggle | Following Your Passion is Supposed to be a Challenge <3

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