Grow Not Individually But As A Community

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The importance of community cannot be over emphasized, we need each other to grow, we need each other to thrive, there’s no singularity in “We” and there’s no plurality in “I”. If we stick together we’d never go down as I’ve said in one of my songs preaching love is all we need Play the song here on SoundCloud

“The love that binds us is more important than the power we yield.” ~ Mordred in Merlin TV Series

The lyrics of one of my songs goes thus:
Love is all we preaching everywhere
Love is all we searching in the whole world
Stop fighting wars and reunite
Stop killing kids just let them grow
If we together we’d never go down
Like the soldier ants their strength is in unity.... Mide

“Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It's important to the person who serves as well as the recipients. It's the way in which we ourselves grow and develop.” ~ Dr. Dorothy Height

Everyone can’t be everything, the rich needs the poor and the poor needs the rich. We all would fall into one category or the other in our communities, your services rendered satisfies Mr A as a barber, when it’s time for you to sow some clothes , Mr A renders his services as a fashion stylist or designer. You see we can’t live without each other not as easy.... Mide

“We rise by lifting others.” ~ Robert Ingersoll

Yes oh yes, this will take my reference again to one of my songs . The message of the song was talking about growth as a community and which affects individuals positively , in the song steemit was the case study as the song was made for my second community on steemit. Play the song here on SoundCloud.... Mide

“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.” ~ Sally Kochi

It’s takes good human spirit making big miracles happen by changing a person’s life completely and it’s super human spirit to touch the lives of thousands around you in the little way you can. Those who helps shall receive help , remember givers never lacks.... Mide


All audios could also be found on dsound but SoundCloud is of lower resolution and easily played.
Here’s a video of me singing gratitude to my first community on this amazing platform. The importance of community cannot be overemphasized.

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