The Success Train: Lesson 1


A study of The Law Of Success by Napoleon Hill 

Section of focus. The personal statement by the author.

Very Important 

  • Note that this is not the traditional type of motivational post. 
  • Be ready to make life-changing decisions as you put into practice everything you learn here.
  • Always keep your pen and paper by your side as you study this course. 

In this section, the author discussed a clergy who once announced in a Chicago Newspaper that he would preach a sermon the following morning  titled: 


In his sermon, Dr. Gunsaulus pictured a great school of technology where  young men and women could be thought how to succeed in life by developing the ability to Think in practical rather than in theoretical terms; where they would be taught to "learn by doing." "If I had a million dollars," said the young preacher, "I would start a school."

After the sermon was over, Philip D. Armour got convinced and said;

"Young man, I believe you could do all you said you could, and if you will come down to my office tomorrow morning I will give you the million dollars you need."

And that was the beginning of the Armour Institute of Technology.

From the above statement, you will notice that there is a difference between thinking in practical term and thinking in theoretical term. A lot of people, especially perfectionist get so tied to theoretical kind of thinking that they end up achieving nothing or very little in life. 

A practical type of thinking is one in which you have definite practical steps to make your thoughts a reality and you start working on them immediately even before you have concluded all your plans. 

You would also discover that Imagination is the birthplace of everything the hand of man created.

That school was built in the young man's mind even before he talked about it. 

Every great railroad, every outstanding financial institution, every mammoth business enterprise and every great invention began in the imagination  of some one person.

More than capital, what you need is an active imagination. For every practical thinking person, there are always resources to accomplish his mission.  

Imagination is a faculty of the mind which can be cultivated, developed, extended and broadened by use. 
Fortunate is the young man or woman who learns early in life, to use imagination. 

Wherever you find yourself, let your imagination make you stand out. Here on Steemit, think about what you can do to make yourself more important. 

Yeah, even in the midst of misfortune, if you use your imagination positively you will discover the gold beneath.

However, it is important to note that we need other people if we want to succeed. 

Success in this world is always a matter of individual effort, yet you will only be deceiving yourself if you believe that you can succeed without the co-operation of other people. 
Achieving success is a matter of skillfully and tactfully inducing others to cooperate. 

Summary of this lesson 

Think practically.

Use your imagination to create things that will make you more useful anywhere you find yourself.

Understand that Success requires the co-operation of others.

Practical Exercises 

Write down these questions and answers them sincerely.

What occupies your imagination? 

This will help you notice what occupies your mind and save you from focusing your mental energy on the wrong stuff.

How have you practically started what you have been thinking about? 

This will help you know if you belong to the practical or theoretical class of thinkers.

What can you create in your mind that you can achieve? 

This will help you not to be a wishful thinker, but some intelligent fellow who would create things in his imagination and find ways to actualize it. 

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? 

This will drive you towards realizing what your definite purpose is (that is  if you do not have one yet) and creating practical steps to achieving  it. 

What is that thing you want to do and you think acquiring capital for it has been a major setback? 

Think deep and you'll know capital is not your major problem, but the inability to use your imagination extensively.

Everything you use today, someone created it. Don't just enjoy other people's usefulness to the world. Be useful to this generation and beyond. 

Your assignment 

What is that thing that will make you useful to the world? 

Think deep. Meditate. Make sure you come to a conclusion today. Write it down. As the course progresses, you may change it because your mind will begin to discover new things you never imagined before. Don't worry about that, the important thing is that your mind is being developed all along. 

How are you going to start what you just imagined?

Did you think out a way to start? Then proceed to work immediately. 

Write this down and meditate on it daily 

"I must be valuable to this world."

Final Note 

Discovery is a matter of investigation and use of imagination.

What you are looking for all these while could be found here on the Steem platform, in your neighbourhood or your present occupation. Just Think, Think harder and Think creatively.

What did you learn from today's lesson? 

What will you do with what you learnt today? 

What happened to you as you read today's lesson? 

You can share the answer to the first question here, but the second and  third questions need you to meditate on them and write down your  answers. 

Did you notice anything? 

This course has one major objective which is, to work on your Mind and help you see the gold in it that you never knew existed before.


The Law of success written by Napoleon Hill 

All quotes are from The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill 

You can read the intro of this course here.  

 Thank you for reading  

PS:)  I'm so sorry I couldn't start from Monday as earlier scheduled. It was due to health issues.  

I remain that humble and lovely @ogoowinner 

@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me 

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