How to set and accomplish goals


1. Make it smarter

In setting goals, we have to guide the setting procedure and a way to do that is by imploring the acronym SMARTER. This is a tested and trusted method of setting goals that can be achieved during a life time.
Your goals have to be smarter This means:
S – Specific: In setting goals, lots of people make uncountable goals, they make lots of promises and try their best to Look very big in what they are try to achieve. Goals that become too much to be attained, so I'll advice that in setting goals you go straight to the point.

M – Measurable: Immeasurable goals become impossible to achieve due to the fact that they are too many to be focused on. Avoid goals that are immeasurable and see yourself achieving your goals.

A – Attainable: Goals like destroying the earth and mankind in it cannot be achieved so stay away from trouble and make goals that can be achieved.

R – Relevant: Irrelevant goals are goals that don't help improve your situations, these goal destroy personalities and cause war and prejudice even emotionally, these goals may include spending more than you earn, been irresponsible with alcohol and narcotics.

T – Time-bound: All goals have to be time bound, should have a time frame for accomplishing it. This means you should have the amount of time you would use to carry it out. If you don't set a time frame for accomplishing your goals, procrastination would be your friend.
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E – Evaluative: Your goals should be based on or relating to an assessment to form an idea of the value of something.

R – Revisable: In setting goals, we should ensure that we make goals that can be looked over.

2. Write it down

Write down your goals to clarify and strengthen your intentions.

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Writting your goals down as simple as it seems can be the most important thing in setting goals.
From a Forbes research, a report on graduating students Of havard university, 3% had their goals written, 13% had their posts in mind but not written, 84% had no goals at all. 10 years later, the 3% who had their goals written were earning 10 times as much as the other percentage of the class. The 13% who had their goals in their minds and not written down earned twice the remaining percentage who had no goals at all.

“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” — Fitzhugh Dodson

If you don't make plans, you don't have an idea of how to reach your destination. Imagine you're traveling from Lagos to Abuja and you don't know your way around, you would definitely be difficult to achieve your goal by just stepping into the car and driving for hours, you would end up getting lost. Practically, the moment you open up a map, you would find your way... The map serves as the written goal, and the journey is the goal in mind, while getting to Abuja is the achieved goal. I hope you understand that point.
“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” — Earl Nightingale

3. Break it down

Break your goals into small manageable steps to overcome overwhelm.

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When you start to work on a task toward your broader goal, focus only on that task. Don’t check your email to see if there is anything interesting on the front page of Reddit pappers, these are ways to quickly waste your time and throw you off task. You will get tasks done much quicker and make more progress on your goal if you set a timer to work on a task and avoid any context switching while the timer is running.

4. Hold yourself responsible:

Hold yourself accountable by maintaining focus and discipline throughout the process.

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As humans, we are responsible for whatever happens in our life,if you want to live happy then you must accept this fact that you must plan for success and happiness and also work towards it. Working means you're taking responsibility for all that is needed, if you're married, you're to take care of your wife and kids same as if you're single you must take responsibility for any mistake or errors you make and make adjustments, don't shy away from duties for any reason.

5. Reward yourself

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Rewarding yourself will help reinforce the positive actions you’ve taken to continue doing it. It's always important to reward yourself and your team whenever you make progress in any goal set, you can take a field trip, goof off online, go on a vacation and many more.

6. Develop systems and habits

Effective systems and habits make it easier for you to accomplish your goals on a regular basis.Turning the process of achieving goals to a habit will make you achieve more faster than normal, habits are usually fun so I'd advice you make one from your goals.


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