Life is free but living is earn, middling living will earn nothing but an average life.

A special morning to you all, it’s a great privilege and honour to be among this great people this morning.

What I will be writing on this morning are two critical and fragile words; Life and Living. At times we use to interchange these words misleadingly, by using them in the same context but they are two different words that have two different meaning.



Life can easily be tag as a privileged given to us by God through our parents, simply because we cannot mold, impregnate or born ourselves; so life is just the state of being alive and what precede that is still a mystery to us all. But one thing that’s very sure is that we didn’t have any contribution on it and that’s why we are not the one that choose when to be born or where to be born.

That’s why for the first phase of our life we are nothing without the help of our parents neither can we survive, care and support ourselves without the cordial help of our family and relatives from the moment we were born till the moment when we are able to cater for ourselves.

The first phase of our life is just a peculiar benefit where we depend and rest on the shoulder of our love ones because we are still a privileged to them too. The fact that you exist is a supernatural phenomenal which makes you extraordinary, so in short life is an extraordinary privileged. No one will query anybody if we are not born/conceived because no one is expects to be born, that’s just something far greater than our mortal understanding.



Living on the other hand is just the process of having that life everyday and depends vastly on us. Living is not a privilege but rather what we choose to get from life. Living is basically born out of our decisions.

We choose how we live our lives, what we live our life’s for, what we get from living itself and we are free to alter the course of our lives anyway we want. It’s a choice if one want to be successful in life or not although nobody want to be unsuccessful but our actions and decisions [choices] will determine that.

“Life itself is a great privileged, but to live it to the fullest is a choice”. Andy Andrews

Every day we wake up, we all have choices to make, but we must also put it in mind that every choices come with its own consequences i.e a simple choice comes with a simple consequence while a complex choice come with a complex consequence.

God gave us a free slate and no one can take it away from us because it’s our responsibility. It wasn’t our doing to be born or die but the period in between present us with countless choices. We can choose our friends, lifestyles, careers, believe and the likes. Also there are some important choices which determine the quality and what one will achieve in life.

Some of those important choices that determine the quality of living are listed below;
• Choice to choose our value: We choose how much respect or disrespect people will give to us through our choices.
• Choice to choose one character: We choose who we become. We can either mold ourselves or allow people and our environment to mold us and this go a long way in shaping us.
• Choice to choose how we treat others: We choose how much value we give to people around us and in return they reciprocate it.
• Choice to choose how much one will learn: How much one will achieve in life depend on how much he/she knows.
• Choice to choose what we will accomplish in life: Our accomplishments in life depend on the choices will make now.
• Choice to choose our own purpose: We choose whether to live a purpose driven life or the other way round, one must choose a purpose driven one if he/she want to live a meaningful life.

Living is all about choices, we are always choosing and it so saddening to know that some of our values and virtues are wasted because of our choices; because we choose not to exercise them or exercise them wrongly or we didn’t even know that they exist.

We can easily live our life to the fullest if we are aware of the choices we have and teach ourselves to deal more effectively and precisely with them by weighting the consequences of our choices first and take a sharp glimpse into the future to see what such choices might eventually fetch us.

Thanks to you all for taking your precious time to go through this post and special thanks to @dan and @ned too for creating such a great platform to showcase my amateur writing skill. Have a wonderful day.



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