The Secret Of Success

The Secret Of Success


I am not the most clever, I am also not the most powerful,but what makes me successful,because I was the one who most ardently.

All people want to be successful, and everyone wants to know what is the secret to be successful,the answer may go out, did you give everything? what I mean is not just a business, I mean also not the business while the situation is easy, but what I mean is businesses that continue to do any difficult situation,the business continues to do se is not comfortable whatever the conditions.

If you know there are still you can do then do it, if you know still there is a way, find a way,if you know there is still chance to pursue that opportunity.

Don't lie to yourself that during this time you complain "how come my salary this gini"kok result segini doang"why is my life this gini hell"the question is, what did you do so that you feel deserve to get more than what you get at this time.

If you feel you life that that's it' yeah maybe you're during this business you do so that's it, if you are up to this time has not yet get a what what, yeah" probably because during this time you also have not done the business what's what,
Haven't learned yet, haven't dared, you haven't really give that completely, LABOR,TIME,ATTENTION,FOCUS,EFFORT.

Life is fair, what you give that's what you will get.

If you really want to succeed,you have to PROCEED, a WINNER be a WINNER not because of the effort half - and-half, not because of a whim,not because of luck.

You must PROCEED, you have to FIGHT,you have to KEEP TRYING.

When the road that you're going through feels hard, you SHOULD NOT GIVE up, when all the sounds make you feel free, you have to KEEP moving FORWARD, when all the people do a variety of ways,to make you fall, you must STAND FIRM.

One day later,you can look back with pride, because you remember the times of that period, the period where you have a choice to give up, but you REFUSE TO SURRENDER,a time period where you are not only the indulgence of words, but you PROVE it WITH the EFFORT, the period where all your enemies fall down and you REMAIN STANDING UPRIGHT, like a WINNER.

We all have challenges in this life, yes, each of us living in this world are faced with challenges every day,but who of you would DARE? to face the challenge, who among you DARES?, to CONTINUE to FIGHT, who of you would DARE? to PAY the PRICE, DARE to SUFFER, DARE to knock, knock,and KNOCK, until finally you FORMED.

Who of you DARES?, not only be a leader, but to be a WINNER.

In this life SUCCESS is not given so easily, that success MUST be FOUGHT, and only people who already memantaskan himself,byang deserve to enjoy that success, give your100%, not 97, 98, 99, or other numbers, but ALWAYS COMMITTED to give 100%, live life without regrets, remember" you don't need to be the most clever, or the most powerful, but"as long as you can be the most diligent, diligently trying then you can get everything.

It may not be everything in accordance with what you expect, but as long as you really have to give the best, then there is always the best gift which will awaits.

No sense of pride without effort, there is not satisfied without the hard work, because success you depend your EFFORT.

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